GreenCity Plumber Blog

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Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips For Your Home

April 3, 2015 by

Plumbing is one crucial area of the home that can show some big benefits from becoming more environmentally friendly, and you can green your plumbing without undergoing a major renovation such as ripping out and replacing all the pipes!

Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips

Instead, lessen your environmental impact and even energy use when it comes to home water use by following these helpful tips.

First and foremost: Find a green plumber!

The difference between a regular plumber and a green plumber when it comes to the health of the environment can’t be stressed enough. A green plumber is highly versed in different ways to not only save you money, but help reduce your carbon footprint on the environment. They’ll be able to suggest which changes your home needs the most in order to be green.

Modernize your water heater

Your home’s water eater can be a power guzzler. Traditional tank heaters are constantly keeping your water hot, draining energy in the process.

Consider upgrading your water heater to a tankless model. These new heaters are eco-friendly because they only heat up water that you use, and this can lead to a big drop in your energy bill.

Hunt down leaky faucets and stop the dripping

Dripping faucets may not seem like a big problem, but over time the constant drip-drip-drip can waste a lot of water. A single leaky faucet can waste more than 75 litres in a single day!

Check for leaks and fix your faucets if necessary. Checking for leaky pipes, sinks and toilets is also a good idea, and is something a plumber can easily help you with.

Keep the temperature level on your water heater under control

Hot water heaters can end up set to a much higher temperature than needed. The result? Higher energy bills and wasted energy. Check your home water heater to see that it is set to no more than 50 degrees Celsius. You can also look into having it insulated, to better preserve the energy it uses and heat it generates.

Low-flow toilets are highly efficient

The bathroom toilet can be a stealth waster of water. Inefficient toilets will use a lot more water than they absolutely need to. The solution? A low-flow toilet that will get the job done with less water. You should also consider one with a dual flush option, letting you choose between a half or full flush.

Watch the water use in the garden

Garden green by being careful not to use too much water in the garden. Considerations here include a drip irrigation system, or simply watering your lawn in the evening, not the hot day, so that more water is absorbed.

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